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The Young Scholars Program (YSP) is a competitive college access program funded by The Ohio State University Office of Diversity & Inclusion. Founded in 1988, YSP identifies students from the nine largest urban public school districts in Ohio: Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Lorain, Toledo, and Youngstown. Please click here to visit our website for more information.
Currently enrolled in 8th grade at Chaney Middle School, East Middle School, Rayen Early College Middle School, Wilson Alternative, or Virtual Academy.
A high-achieving student having earned grades of all or mostly A's (with few B's and C's) in core academic subjects in 7th and 8th grade
Qualify as a first-generation college student (applicants' parent(s) cannot have earned a bachelor's degree at the time of application) Contact Ms. Tiffany if you have questions about this.
Have a family income that is at or below the household maximum income guidelines stated on the YSP Application
Provide completed application with required requested financial documentation by the application deadline
Have a strong desire and motivation to enroll in and graduate from a 4-year college or university
Demonstrate good school attendance and positive in-and-out of school behavior and;
Commit to the successful completion of a college-prep curriculum in high school