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The Young Scholars Program (YSP) is a competitive college access program funded by The Ohio State University Office of Diversity & Inclusion. Founded in 1988, YSP identifies students from the nine largest urban public school districts in Ohio: Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Lorain, Toledo, and Youngstown. Please click here to visit our website for more information.


  • Currently enrolled in 8th grade at Chaney Middle School, East Middle School, Rayen Early College Middle School, Wilson Alternative, or Virtual Academy.

  • A high-achieving student having earned grades of all or mostly A's (with few B's and C's) in core academic subjects in 7th and 8th grade

  • Qualify as a first-generation college student (applicants' parent(s) cannot have earned a bachelor's degree at the time of application) Contact Ms. Tiffany if you have questions about this.

  • Have a family income that is at or below the household maximum income guidelines stated on the YSP Application

  • Provide completed application with required requested financial documentation by the application deadline

  • Have a strong desire and motivation to enroll in and graduate from a 4-year college or university 

  • Demonstrate good school attendance and positive in-and-out of school behavior and;

  • Commit to the successful completion of a college-prep curriculum in high school